From Benshi to Subtitler: Translating Chinese-Language Cinema in/for Japan

Markus Nornes, Nakajima Seio

研究成果: Chapter


Japan was slow to start translating Chinese films. As a colonizing force and major cinema industry, the Japanese film community was inclined to export domestic films, particularly from the metropole to its colonies. In the post-war era, virtually no Chinese films were shown in Japan until long after the Occupation. Businessmen in the 1970s began film exchanges to develop the massive Chinese market, but these only involved handfuls of films. The situation changed with the fifth generation, which led to a steady stream of Chinese films to the present. Initially, the post-war films were translated by students and scholars. Over the years, a professional subtitling scene developed. And in recent years a peculiar kind of fansubbing took root. This chapter describes this history and these three communities of translators: scholars, pros, and fans.

ホスト出版物のタイトルChinese Films Abroad
ホスト出版物のサブタイトルDistribution and Translation
出版社Taylor and Francis
出版ステータスPublished - 2024 1月 1

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 芸術および人文科学一般
  • 社会科学一般


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