Perception and community input towards flash flood management in Mauritius Island

M. D. Nowbuth*, C. Spataru, M. Esteban, P. Carvalho


研究成果: Article査読


Mauritius, an island nation in the Indian Ocean, has been experiencing, during the summer seasons, an increasing frequency and intensity of torrential rainfall events which have the potential to cause severe flooding. The flood problem is further intensified by the topography of the island and the location of most of the infrastructure within the flat plain surrounding the higher elevation regions. Despite the implementation of several flood mitigation measures by the government authorities, the situation remains a challenging one. In response, this study aimed at analysing the perception of communities towards the national flood measures and their efficiency and to identify those characteristics of the community which enable them to come up with adaptation measures. A field survey was conducted, taking a more holistic approach through a systematic screening, survey, focus groups discussions and data analysis. This research also focused on the adaptation to climate change from the point of view of different generations. The findings suggest that the engagement of the communities is a key element in adapting to flood events, and therefore, the governing bodies should consider this factor to enhance the coping capacity of communities, as climate-related disasters have now grown beyond the capacity of national authorities. This research provides insights for devising flood mitigation and management strategies that are inclusive of community perceptions and adaptation to climate change.

ジャーナルNatural Hazards
出版ステータスAccepted/In press - 2024

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 水の科学と技術
  • 大気科学
  • 地球惑星科学(その他)


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